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Yildiz F, Bozkurt N, Erdem A, Erdem M, Oktem M, Onur Karabacak R. Effect of Pertubation on PregnancyRates before Intrauterine Insemination Treatment in PatientswithUnexplainedInfertility. Int J Fertil Steril. 2014 Apr;8(1):77-84. Epub 2014 Mar 9.
Karakaya C, Guzeloglu-Kayisli O, Hobbs RJ, Gerasimova T, Uyar A, Erdem M, Oktem M, Erdem A, Gumuslu S, Ercan D, Sakkas D, Comizzoli P, Seli E, LaliotiMD .Folliclestimulatinghormonereceptor (FSHR) alternative skipping of exon 2 or 3 affects ovarianresponseto FSH. Mol Hum Reprod. 2014 Mar 25.
Guler I, Himmetoglu O, Turp A, Erdem A, Erdem M, Onan MA, Taskiran C, Taslipinar MY, Guner H.ZincandHomocysteineLevels in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Patients with Insulin Resistance.BiolTrace Elem Res. 2014 Mar 26.
Kutlusoy F, Guler I, Erdem M, Erdem A, Bozkurt N, Biberoglu EH, Biberoglu KO. Lutealphasesupportwith estrogen in addition to progesterone increases pregnancy rates in in vitro fertilization cycles with poor response to gonadotropins.GynecolEndocrinol. 2014 May;30(5):363-6.
Broer SL, Dólleman M, vanDisseldorp J, Broeze KA, Opmeer BC, Bossuyt PM, Eijkemans MJ, Mol BW, BroekmansFJ;Prediction of an excessive response in in vitro fertilization from patient characteristics and ovarian reserve tests and comparison in subgroups: an individualpatient data meta-analysis. IPD-EXPORT StudyGroup. Fertil Steril. 2013 Aug;100(2):420-9.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2013.04.024. Epub 2013 May 28.
Mutlu MF, Erdem M, Erdem A, Yildiz S, Mutlu I, Arisoy O, Oktem M.Antralfolliclecountdetermines poor ovarian responsebetterthan anti-Müllerianhormone but age is the only predictor for live birth in in vitrofertilizationcycles.J AssistReprodGenet. 2013 Jun;30(5):657-65.
Mutlu MF, Erdem M, Erdem A, Yildiz S, Mutlu I, Arisoy O, Oktem M.Antralfolliclecountdetermines poor ovarian responsebetterthan anti-Müllerianhormone but age is the only predictor for live birth in in vitrofertilizationcycles.J AssistReprodGenet. 2013 Jun;30(5):657-65.
Oktem M, Erdem A, Demirdag E, Cenksoy C, Erdem M, Bozkurt N. Cerebralvenoussinusthrombosisduringthefirsttrimesteraftersuperovulationandintrauterineinseminationwithrecombinantfollicle-stimulatinghormone: a casereport. Eur J ObstetGynecolReprodBiol. 2013 May;168(1):118-9.
Oktem M, Erdem A, Demirdag E, Cenksoy C, Erdem M, Bozkurt N. Cerebralvenoussinusthrombosisduringthefirsttrimesteraftersuperovulationandintrauterineinseminationwithrecombinantfollicle-stimulatinghormone: a casereport. Eur J ObstetGynecolReprodBiol. 2013 May;168(1):118-9.
Oktem M, Erdem A, Demirdag E, Cenksoy C, Erdem M, Bozkurt N. Cerebralvenoussinusthrombosisduringthefirsttrimesteraftersuperovulationandintrauterineinseminationwithrecombinantfollicle-stimulatinghormone: a casereport. Eur J ObstetGynecolReprodBiol. 2013 May;168(1):118-9.
Turkyilmaz E, Guner H, Erdem M, Erdem A, Biri AA, Konac E, Alp E, Onen HI, Menevse SNLF2 gene expression in theendometrium of patientswithimplantationfailureafter IVF treatment.. Gene. 2012 Oct 15;508(1):140-3.
Kurdoglu M, Yildirim M, Kurdoglu Z, Erdem A, Erdem M, Bilgihan A, Goktas B. Cardiovascular risk assessmentwithoxidised LDL measurement in postmenopausalwomenreceivingintranasalestrogenreplacementtherapy (2010).GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY, PMID: 2067
Korucuoglu U, Biri AA, Konac E, Alp E, Onen IH, Ilhan MN, Turkyilmaz E, Erdem A, Erdem M, Menevse S. (2010). Expression of the imprinted IGF2 and H19 genes in theendometrium of caseswithunexplainedinfertility..EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS GYNECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY, 149(1)(77).
Bozkurt N, Erdem M, Yilmaz E, Erdem A, Biri A, Kubatova A, Bozkurt M. (2009). Therelationship of homocyteine, B12 andfolicacidwith the bone mineral density of the femur and lumbar spine in Turkish postmenopausal women..ARCHIVES OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS, 280(3)(381).
Kurdoglu Z, Gursoy R, Kurdoglu M, Erdem M, Erdem O, Erdem A. (2009). Comparison of the clinical value of CA 19-9 versus CA 125 for the diagnosis of endometriosis..FerilityandSterility, 92(5)(1761).
Erdem A, Erdem M, Atmaca S, Guler I. (2009). Impact of lutealphasesupport on pregnancyrates in intrauterine insemination cycles: a prospective randomized study..Fertility and Sterility, 91(6)(2508).
Koç A, Arisoy O, Pala E, Erdem M, Kaymak AO, Erkal O, Karaoğuz MY. (2009). Prenatal diagnosis of mosaic ring 22 duplication/deletion with terminal 22q13 deletion due to abnormal first trimester screening and choroid plexus cyst detected on ultrasound. JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY RESEARCH, 35(5)(978).
Erdem A, Erdem M, Atmaca S, Korucuoglu U, Karabacak O. (2008). Factors affecting live birth rate in intrauterineinseminationcycleswithrecombinantgonadotrophinstimulation..Reproductive Biomedicine Online, 17(2)(199).
Erdem M, Erdem A, Guler I, Atmaca S. (2008). Role of antralfolliclecount in controlledovarianhyperstimulationandintrauterineinseminationcycles in patientswithunexplainedsubfertility. Fertility and Sterility, 90(2)(360).
Korucuoglu U, Erdem M, Pala E, Karaoguz MY, Erdem A, Biri A. (2008). Doubleaneuploidy in spontaneousmiscarriages: twocasereports and review of the literature..FETAL DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY, 24(2)(106).
Erdem M, Bilgin U, Bozkurt N, Erdem A. (2007). Comparison of transvaginalultrasonographyandsalineinfusionsonohysterography in evaluatingtheendometrialcavity in pre- and postmenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding..Menopause, 14(5)(846).
Kurdoglu M, Erdem M, Kurdoglu Z, Biri A, Tatli H, Erdem A. (2007). Intracranialhemorrhageandhys in thefetus of a motherwiththrombocytosis: implicationsforpossiblepathogeneticfactorsandtherapy..FETAL DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY, 22(5)(343).
Erdem O, Erdem M, Erdem A, Memis L, Akyol G. (2007). Expression of vascular endothelialgrowthfactorandassessment of microvasculardensitywith CD 34 andendoglin in proliferativeendometrium, endometrialhyperplasia, and endometrial carcinoma..INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER, 17(6)(1327).
Guler I, Erdem A, Biri A, Gunaydin G, Yilmaz E, Erdem M, Karaoguz MY. (2007). Gastroschisiswithfetalchromosomal abnormality: a case report..FETAL DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY, 22(4)(274).
Erdem O, Taskiran C, Onan MA, Erdem M, Guner H, Ataoglu O. (2006). CD105 expression is an independent predictor of survival in patients with endometrial cancer..GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY, 103(3)(1007).
Erdem O, Taskiran C, Onan MA, Erdem M, Guner H, Ataoglu O. (2006). CD105 expression is an independent predictor of survival in patients with endometrial cancer..GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY, 103(3)(1007).
Taskiran C, Erdem O, Onan A, Arisoy O, Acar A, Vural C, Erdem M, Ataoglu O, Guner H. (2006). Theprognosticvalue of endoglin (CD105) expression in ovariancarcinoma..GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY, 16(5)(1789).
Taskiran C, Erdem O, Onan A, Arisoy O, Acar A, Vural C, Erdem M, Ataoglu O, Guner H. (2006). Theprognosticvalue of endoglin (CD105) expression in ovariancarcinoma..GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY, 16(5)(1789).
Bayramoglu O, Arslan M, Yazici FG, Erdem A, Erdem M, Bayramoglu K, Camdeviren H. (2005). 58.Prediction of spontaneous onset of labor at term: the role of cervical length measurement andfunneling of internalcervicalosdetectedbytransvaginalultrasonography. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PERINATOLOGY, 22(1)(35).
Yilmaz Y, Türkyilmaz Z, Sönmez K, Erdem M, Yilmaz G, Erdem O, Can Başaklar A, Kale N. (2005). Massiveovarianoedema in adolescents..ACTA CHIRURGICA BELGICA, 105(1)(106).
Erdem M, Erdem A, Arslan M, Oç A, Biberoğlu K, Gürsoy R. (2004). Single-dosemethotrexateforthetreatment of unrupturedectopicpregnancy..ARCHIVES OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS, 270(4)(201).
Erdem M, Erdem A, Arslan M, Oç A, Biberoğlu K, Gürsoy R. (2004). Single-dosemethotrexateforthetreatment of unrupturedectopicpregnancy..ARCHIVES OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS, 270(4)(201).
Erdem M, Erdem A, Gursoy R, Biberoglu K. (2004). 60.Comparison of basalandclomiphenecitrateinduced FSH andinhibin B, ovarianvolumeandantralfolliclecounts as ovarian reserve tests and predictors of poor ovarian response in IVF. JOURNAL OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTION AND GENETICS, 21(2)(37).
Arslan M, Yazici G, Erdem A, Erdem M, Arslan EO, Himmetoglu O. (2004). Endothelin 1 andleptin in thepathophysiology of intrauterinegrowthrestriction..INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY OBSTETRICS, 84(2)(120).
Erdem O, Erdem M, Dursun A, Akyol G, Erdem A. (2003). Angiogenesis, p53, and bcl-2 expression as prognostic indicators in endometrialcancer: comparisonwithtraditionalclinicopathologicvariables..INTERNATİONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGİCAL PATHOLOGY, 22(3)(254).
Erdem M, Erdem A, Erdem O, Yildirim G, Memis L, Himmetoğlu O. (2003). Immunohistochemicallocalization of endothelin-1 in humanplacenta normal andgrowth-restrictedpregnancies.PEDIATRIC AND DEVELOPMENTAL PATHOLOGY, 6(4)(307).
Erdem M, Erdem A, Biberoglu K, Arslan M. (2003). Age-relatedchanges in ovarianvolume, antralfolliclecountsandbasalfollicle stimulating hormone levels: comparison between fertile and infertile women..GYNECOLOGİCAL ENDOCRİNOLOGY, 17(3)(199).
Erdem A, Erdem M, Himmetoglu O, Yildirim G, Arslan M. (2003). Maternalandfetalplasmaendothelinlevels in intrauterinegrowth restriction: relationtoumbilicalarteryDopplerflowvelocimetry. JOURNAL OF PERINATAL MEDICINE, 33(1)(52).
Arslan M, Erdem A, Erdem M, Yazici G, Himmetoglu O, Gursoy R. (2003). TransvaginalcolorDopplerultrasonography for prediction of pre-cancerous endometrial lesions..INTERNATİONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRİCS, 80(3)(299).
Erdem A, Erdem M, Arslan M, Yazici G, Eskandari R, Himmetoglu O. (2002). The effect of maternal anemiaandirondeficiency on fetalerythropoiesis: comparisonbetween serum erythropoietin, hemoglobin andferritinlevels in mothersandnewborns. JOURNAL OF MATERNAL FETAL AND NEONATAL NEDİCİNE, 11(5)(329).
Erdem M, Arslan M, Yazici G, Erdem A, Gursoy R. (2002). Incidentaltubo-ovarianabscess at abdominaldelivery: a case report..J MaternFetalNeonatalMed., 12(4)(279).
Erdem M, Arslan M, Yazici G, Erdem A, Gursoy R. (2002). Incidentaltubo-ovarianabscess at abdominaldelivery: a case report..J MaternFetalNeonatalMed., 12(4)(279).
Erdem A, Erdem M, Biberoglu K, Hayit O, Arslan M, Gursoy R. (2002). Age-relatedchanges in ovarianvolume, antralfolliclecountsandbasal FSH in women with normal reproductive health. JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE, 47(10)(835).
Erdem A, Arslan M, Erdem M, Yildirim G, Himmetoğlu O. (2002). Detection of Helicobacterpyloriseropositivity in hyperemesisgravidarumandcorrelation with symptoms..AMERİCAN JOURNAL OF PERİNATOLOGY, 19(2)(87).
Güner H, Tiras MB, Karabacak O, Sarikaya H, Erdem M, Yildirim M. (1996). Endometrialassessmentbyvaginalultrasonographymightreduceendometrialsampling in patients with postmenopausal bleeding: a prospective study..AUSTRALIAN NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS GYNAECOLOGY, 36(2)(175).
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Erdem M, Sahin I, Erdem A, Gürsoy R, Yildiz A, Güner H. (1994). Prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen among pregnant women in a low-risk population..INTERNATİONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRİCS AND GYNECOLOGY, 44(2)(125).
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